If you're a woman...

Go to this blog and read this post. It's very inspiring. In fact, even if your not trying to lose weight, but are trying to better yourself in any way, then read it. In fact, if you're a woman, then read this post. http://smallerfunpants.blogspot.com/2010/04/new-definition-of-swf-sex-while-fat.html. We women are just so easy to fall into bad thought patterns about ourselves. I love that she has not only lost weight, but recongizned that a big part of that weight loss problem, was a problem in her thinking. Read it!! (It's not really about sex, that's just in the title. :) )



Lesia said…
not only did I read her blog I am now a follower and I even made a comment. Thank you Sam for suggesting this blog. I wish her the best of luck in her dating days.
Unknown said…
What a great message she has on her blog!! Thanks for posting about it and what a great blog you have here too!! Keep up the great work and I look forward to following along with you in your journey!!
Unknown said…
And I forgot to do what you said to do!!!

Happy Fun Pants said…
Thank you SO much for the link love! I can't tell you how great it made me feel to read your comment and know that you thought enough of my thoughts to pass them on to your readers.

Really. It was such a boost!

I'm trying to focus A LOT on reprogramming my mind regarding my weight and food. Because trying to do anything different hasn't worked for me.

I look forward to reading about your successes too! YAY us! :)

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